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Manual, electric, pneumatic and hydraulic lubrication pumps

DropsA produces manual, electric, pneumatic and hydraulic lubrication pumps. All products have been designed for different types of lubrication (grease, oil, air/oil), to increase the efficiency of production systems and ensure decreased maintenance costs.

Pumps range from simple manual pumps suited to small machinery, through to a wide range of lubrication systems with electric and pneumatic specifications suitable for circulating and total-loss oil systems, and grease systems.

Electric pumps

DropsA provides different models of electric pumps depending on the oil and grease lubrication system being used - compact and versatile or with a modular construction - for application on different types of machinery.

Pneumatic pumps are also available, in addition to drum and multi-outlet pumps such as Polipump.

The high-quality, high-performance pneumatic pumps are suitable for a wide range of different applications with oil and grease lubrication systems.

Consult our catalogues in the section on Lubrication to view lubrication pumpsdispensers, lubricants and solutions for any application.

In addition to the before and after-sales service, when you buy from us you have the guarantee of receiving an original component. Bianchi Industrial guarantees the origin of components coming from its distribution network with the Bianchi Original Components mark on packaging.

Bianchi Industrial also provides a qualified consultancy service, with specialist technicians who have the expertise to suggest the most innovative solutions, thanks to in-depth knowledge of products and the ability to assess every single application.

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