Bianchi Industrial and linear actuators - the widest range on the market
The catalogue of Bianchi Industrial linear actuators is one of the most comprehensive on the distribution market, thanks to the following brands:
Each has different characteristics for different customer requirements and applications.
Electric linear actuators with ball screw Festo
Festo is a leading German brand of pneumatics, and the company has created a line of electric cylinders and slides for applications in all fields of automation:
- EPCC electric cylinders for simple positioning operations in 4 sizes and stroke up to 500 mm.
- EPCG electric cylinders designed for the food industry, in an IP65 enclosure and with FDA approved grease.
- IO-Link, the integrated plug&play solution for simple motion which does not need software for the commissioning phase, and can be configured directly on the actuator.
Electric linear actuators with ball screw Ewellix
Ewellix is the new brand established in 2019 by the historic company SKF Linear Motion, inheriting its lengthy experience and technical expertise. The extensive range provided by Ewellix includes actuators for all applications, from clean applications for the pharmaceutical and biomedical sectors through to applications in the agricultural industry:
- Matrix, Runner, Caja and Ecomag are linear actuators for light applications with short cycles, such as biomedical applications, medical beds and office equipment.
- Magdrive is an inline linear actuator to meet all design requirements
- CAHB, CAT, CAR and CAP actuators are designed to meet various load and cycle requirements, and operation in complex environments. They are available in different load, speed and voltage combinations.
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Our products
Linear motion and Automation
Home / Products / Linear motion and Automation Linear motion and Automation Industrial Automation is a coordinated process aimed to replace a significant share of manual tasks with pneumatic, mechanical, and electrical solutions. This technology provides the best production processes and energy saving. Industrial Automation is a continuously evolving process that allows control of multiple...
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Fluid Power
Home / Products / Fluid Power Fluid Power Pneumatics Pneumatics technology utilizes compressed gas to generate mechanical motion. In pneumatic systems, air is directed to the required point through valves, in the form of compressed air. The stored energy in the compressed air is then converted into kinetic energy, enabling controlled movements, such as the...
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Sealing systems
Home / Products / Sealing systems Sealing systems Bianchi Industrial sealing systems basically include all components that are generally classed as seals. Using Bianchi Industrial seals Seals are generally used to constrain a fluid, which may be liquid or grease. Seal characteristics are therefore used, for example, in order to: generate a force to move...
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Tools, Maintenance and Services
Home / Products / Tools, maintenance and services Tools, Maintenance and Services Tools In the metal removal sector, choosing the right tools is fundamental to ensure the quality of the finished product. For example, the tools must be selected based on the target material and the type of machining to be performed (such as drilling,...
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Home / Products / Bearings Bearings Bianchi Industrial solutions and roller bearings for all of your applications, even the most extreme. Industrial solutions and roller bearings represent products in which the company has invested considerably, in terms of expertise and specialisation.With its 100-year history, Bianchi Industrial has acquired extensive knowledge of industry and customer requirements,...
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Power Transmission and Solutions for Transporters
Home / Products / Power Transmission and Solutions for Transporters Power Transmission and Solutions for Transporters Power Transmission The primary function of power transmission in mechanics is to transfer energy between various connected components, from the engine to the final element. Transmitting power also means simultaneously transmitting force and speed. During transmission, part of this...
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